Descendancy And Collateral Numbering Systems - Genealogy Bulletin 53 - Sep-Oct 1999
Descendancy And Collateral Numbering Systems - Genealogy Bulletin 53 - Sep-Oct 1999
Price: $4.95
Sale Price: $4.85
Product #: GB53

 Product Information:

Descendancy and Collateral Numbering Systems - Genealogy Bulletin 53, edited by William Dollarhide; Published Sep/Oct 1999; New back issue; 48 pp; Item # GB53; The price of this item includes postage within the United States.

This back issue of the Genealogy Bulletin features a major article on Descendancy and Collateral Numbering Systems. Dollarhide details how to number those folks in your family that typically don’t number easily!

Another major column in this issue, still of relevance today, is Donna Potter Phillips’ article on “Genealogy, etc.” Also of interest are 399 queries. The issue is very heavy on AGLL advertising, which is all dated…

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